Irish Interdisciplinary Journal of Science & Research

Editorial Workflow

Editorial workflow that every paper submitted to the Irish Interdisciplinary Journal of Science & Research (IIJSR) will undergo during the course of the peer-review process, is enumerated here. Initially, all the submitted articles will be assigned with unique Manuscript ID which could be used by authors for all communications with Journal. The entire editorial workflow will be supported by double blind and peer review concept. Once a manuscript is submitted by the corresponding author, all authors will be notified about the submission. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal inspects the submitted manuscript and checks for plagiarism in turnitin software. The papers will be moved to further stages only if the plagiarism level is less than 20% else, the papers will be returned back to the corresponding author along with the plagiarism report. The corresponding author should have to resubmit the paper as a revised submission. 

The Editor-in-Chief, also invites, the section editor or one of the associate editors or co-editors, based on the subject of the manuscript, to inspect the paper. If they determined that the manuscript is not of sufficient quality to go through the normal review process or if the subject of the manuscript is not appropriate to the journal scope, the manuscript will be rejected with no further processing and will be informed to the corresponding author. If the Editor-in-Chief and section editor determined that the submitted manuscript is of sufficient quality and falls within the scope of the journal, then the manuscript will go to one of editorial board members based on the subject of the manuscript, the availability of the editors, and the lack of any potential conflicts of interest with the submitting authors. If the section editor declared that the submitted paper is of sufficient quality and falls within the scope of IIJSR, the manuscript will be sent to a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 external reviewers for peer-reviewing.

The reviewer form is made available in the homepage. When the reviewers submitted their reports, the section editor can make one of the following editorial recommendations:

(1) Acceptance

The manuscript could be e-Published with final Proofreading. We try to reduce this process to maximum two months. Before e-Publication, corresponding author can verify a proof copy of the paper. After e-Publication, paper will be in a queue to be published in one of IIJSR upcoming issues. A copyright agreement is made available in the website, all authors will be asked to send a scanned copy of copyright form prior to publication. The duration from acceptance to publication will be a maximum of 30 Days.

(2) Minor Revision

Authors will receive comments via Editor-in-Chief upon their manuscript stating that the two reviewers commented to carryout minor revision, in which the corresponding author will be asked to submit a revised copy along with covering letter and rebuttal letter highlighting the corrections done. Revised manuscript should be submitted in 30 Days after receiving the decision letter. The corrections will be verified by the same reviewers and will be asked for their suggestions. If the reviewers comment positively, official acceptance letter will be issued by the Editor-in-Chief. If the reviewers were not satisfied with the corrections, the paper will be returned back to corresponding author and will be asked for resubmission within 30 Days. If the authors do not submit the revised document within 30 Days, the corresponding author will be asked to resubmit the paper as a fresh submission.

(3) Major Revision

It means a chance to reorganize the manuscript to meet the required scientific criteria for another review process. Authors should pay more attention to reviewers’ comments and focus on their highlighted points. Revised manuscript should be submitted along with covering letter and rebuttal letter highlighting the corrections done in 30 Days after receiving decision letter. The paper will be re-reviewed by the same reviewers and will be asked for their suggestions. If the reviewers comment positively, official acceptance letter will be issued by the Editor-in-Chief. If the reviewers were not satisfied with the corrections, the paper will be returned back to corresponding author and will be asked for resubmission within 30 Days. If the authors do not submit the revised document within 30 Days, the corresponding author will be asked to resubmit the paper as a fresh submission.

(4) Reject

In most cases, methodological and scientific concerns are the main origins of rejection. Causes of rejection will be sent to the authors to provide more chance for them for publication in other journals. Moreover, if two reviewers suggests to make rejection, the Editor-in-Chief will send a rejection mail to corresponding author. Rejected articles are not permitted to resubmit to our journal for the next six months. However, the rejection may be decided based on the comments from two reviewers, hence the Editor-in-Chief may take maximum of 2 months to take a decision towards rejection. 

(5) Withdraw

Applicable only for articles in Press which represent early versions of articles and sometimes contain errors, or may have been accidentally submitted twice. Occasionally, but less frequently, the articles may represent infringements of professional ethical codes, such as multiple submission, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, etc. However, the authors have to submit "Article Withdrawal Form" which is made available in "Withdrawal Policy" section in our website. Editor-in-Chief informs the corresponding author regarding confirmation of withdrawal.

Only the Editor-in-Chief can approve a manuscript for publication, whereas editors recommend manuscripts for acceptance to the Editor-in-Chief. No other recommendations from editorial board members will be encouraged towards publication of articles.


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